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    Our latest footprints

    3 years ago
    IoT sensors made in Australia
    LAB3 has built an electronics lab - for designing, prototyping, testing and manufacturing internet of things (IoT) sensors.
    4 years ago
    LAB3 has secured an office in North Sydney as a base for over 40+ employees already working remotely to provide innovative cloud technologies in Australia’s largest city.
    4 years ago
    Fearless to achieve more, LAB3 has crossed the Tasman and now operate in New Zealand, with a head office in Auckland. Locally run, Kiwi organisations can quickly move to public cloud with expertise.
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    Modern Slavery Statement

    Version 1.1 | Effective 11 August 2023

    Here at LAB3 we understand that modern slavery is one of the world’s largest and most complex human rights issues. We also believe that every person in this world has a human right to be treated with dignity and respect and live a life of freedom and opportunity.


    That’s why we are committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights while conducting our business and recognise the role we must play to contribute to the fight to end modern slavery.


    Our aim is to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in any of our operations or supply chains.


    In upholding our commitment to ensure modern slavery is not present in our supply chains and operations, we are committed to:

    • upholding the principles established under the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including:
      • the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour
      • the effective abolition of child labour
      • the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
      • the rights of workers to freely associate and address issues with management on an individual or collective basis
    • respecting our people’s ability to enter into employment voluntarily and freely, without the threat of a penalty, and have the freedom to terminate employment without penalty, given reasonable notice or as per any relevant contract or industrial instrument
    • providing all our people with access to information regarding their rights and obligations during all stages of employment, including recruitment
    • not engaging in misleading or fraudulent practices during the recruitment of our people or when offering employment
    • ensuring our people are free from discrimination, harassment, and prejudicial treatment


    We also expect our business partners and suppliers of goods and services to uphold high standards of human rights and address risks of modern slavery within their own operations and supply chains. To support this commitment we will:

    • communicate our approach to modern slavery to our business partners and ongoing suppliers at the outset of our business relationship and regularly emphasise our approach with them
    • undertake to identify, assess, address and mitigate risks of modern slavery in our business and supply chain
    • when appropriate, explore opportunities to work with our business partners and suppliers to address risks of modern slavery in their supply chains
    • where appropriate, carry out due diligence (or where applicable audits) of our business partners and suppliers to determine compliance with contractual obligations and any applicable minimum standards


    To ensure our people understand modern slavery, and what is required to identify, assess, and address modern slavery, we will ensure all relevant people participate in appropriate levels of training as required.


    We encourage all people who work for LAB3, business partners and suppliers and their workers, to report any suspected or actual instance of modern slavery within our business or our supply chain to our independent Whistleblower Service via their 24/7 hotline on 1800 857 376 or by sending an email to


    Any discovery of modern slavery will be taken seriously by LAB3. If we identify instances of modern slavery in our own operations we will act quickly to stop and address its adverse impacts on workers, individuals or communities.


    Note: This statement provides an overview of LAB3‘s Modern Slavery Policy. It is not a ‘modern slavery statement’ within the meaning of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and has not been submitted to the Australian Border Force.