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    Our latest footprints

    3 years ago
    IoT sensors made in Australia
    LAB3 has built an electronics lab - for designing, prototyping, testing and manufacturing internet of things (IoT) sensors.
    4 years ago
    LAB3 has secured an office in North Sydney as a base for over 40+ employees already working remotely to provide innovative cloud technologies in Australia’s largest city.
    4 years ago
    Fearless to achieve more, LAB3 has crossed the Tasman and now operate in New Zealand, with a head office in Auckland. Locally run, Kiwi organisations can quickly move to public cloud with expertise.
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    Chris Cook back at the helm of LAB<sup data-lazy-src=

    Founder and former CEO Chris Cook has stepped in and become interim CEO

    Chris Cook replaces David Boyes who has regrettably departed LAB3 due to personal reasons  

    The LAB3 Board is currently developing a plan to appoint a longer-term replacement as CEO. However, in the meantime, the Board has every confidence in Chris Cook to achieve in the role. 

    “With Chris at the helm, the interim measure will achieve smooth sailing over what will be business as usual for LAB3,” says Bob Cook, Chairman.

    “During the five-year period Chris previously held the role as CEO, Chris led LAB3 from start up to scale up, and the company emerged as a force in the Australian and New Zealand technology sectors and became a recognised product leader.”

    Since stepping down as CEO on 1 March this year, Chris continued his high-level involvement as Chief Strategy Officer and focused on growing global markets for LAB3’s unique products.

    “Chris is ideally positioned to cover the CEO role; particularly given how far down the track we are with mobilising our global channel strategy,” says Bob Cook.

    Over his 14-month association with LAB3, David Boyes made a significant contribution to the continued growth of LAB3.

    “David was integral to the establishment of our New Zealand operations and played a significant role in cementing partnerships with key strategic clients across the Group,” says Bob Cook.

    With David’s departure, the Board remains confident in the strategic direction of LAB3 and fully supports Chris and the Senior Leadership team in performing their roles.

    Three highlights coming up include the go live of an Employee Share Ownership Plan (a significant move for a privately owned company), the launch of our channel into global markets, and the development of more unique leading-edge products including Dr Migrate; all of which empower organisations to make the most of the cloud.

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